Download Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools
Пятница, 13 мая 2011 г.Метки: microsoft | resource-kit-tools | W2K | windows
Просмотров: 21692
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Для удобства я разделил на две части. Вот вторая часть Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools:
Oh: Open Handles - Shows the handles of open windows, processes, or objects. Oleview: OLE/COM Object Viewer - Browses, configures, and tests Microsoft Component Object Model classes installed on a computer. Pathman: Path Manager - Adds or removes components of the system or user path. Perms: File Access Permissions per User - Displays a user's access permissions for a file or directory. Pfmon: Page Fault Monitor - Lists the source and number of page faults generated by an application's function calls. Pstat: Process and Thread Status - Shows the status of all running processes and threads. Pulist: Lists processes running on local or remote computers.
Скачать Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools
Пятница, 13 мая 2011 г.Рубрика: Архив Itword.net (2007-10) -> В помощь сисадмину -> Новости
Метки: microsoft | resource-kit-tools | W2K | windows
Просмотров: 61628
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Так как у меня целый зоопарк серверов, среди них присутствует пока еще и Windows 2000 Server и понадобились мне как-то определенные утилиты из Windows 2000 Resource Kit, и что б ни рыскать по всему интернету в поиске решил выложить здесь определенную часть из них. Эти утилиты помогут Вам упростить административные задачи, такие как управление Active Directory, управления групповыми политиками,служб терминалов, автоматизации развертывания приложений, и других важных работ.
Adsizer: Active Directory Sizer - Estimates the hardware required for deploying Active Directory in an organization. Apimon: API Monitor - Monitors the API calls made by a process. Appsec: Application Security Hotfix - Sets user permissions on a file-by-file basis to lock down accessible applications. Clusrest: Cluster Quorum Restore Utility - Restores the quorum disk of a cluster, which is not done by a restore process using NtBackup. Ctrlist: Counter List - Lists all objects and counters installed in the system for the given language ID. Cluster Verification Utility - Verifies that two-node cluster systems are set up properly. Delrp: Delete File and Reparse Points - Deletes a file or directory and any associated NTFS reparse points. Delsrv - Unregisters a service with the service control manager. DH: Display Heap - Displays information about heap usage in a user-mode process or pool usage in kernel-mode memory. Dhcpexim: DHCP Database Export Import Tool - Exports a DHCP database and server configuration from a server running Windows NT 4.0 Server or Windows 2000 Server for import into a destination DHCP server running Windows 2000. (This is a new link, thanks to reader Khan) Diruse: Directory Disk Usage - Displays information about a disk and the contents of its partition table. Diskmap: Displays information about a disk and the contents of its partition table. Diskpart: Diskpart Command Line Utility - Enables storage configuration from a script, remote session, or other command prompt. Dmdiag: Disk Manager Diagnostics - Saves disk volume configuration to a text file and writes a signature to a disk partition. Drivers: List Loaded Drivers - Displays information on installed device drivers, their files, and their code. Drmapsrv: Drive Share Hotfix - Automatically configures NET SHARE and NET USE client drives for Terminal Services server access. Note: This download includes only the hotfix for the utility, not the tool itself. Dumpel: Dump Event Log - Dumps an event log to a tab-separated text file. Dumpfsmos.cmd: Dump FSMO Roles - Dumps the Flexible Single Master Operations roles. Dureg: Registry Size Estimator - Shows how much data is stored in the registry, or in any registry subtree, key, or subkey. Efsinfo: Encrypting File System Information - Displays information about encrypted files on NTFS partitions. Exctrlst: Extensible Performance Counter List - Displays information on extensible performance counter DLLs installed on a computer. Extract.exe: Extract Cabinet - Extracts files from cabinet (.cab) files. FAZAM 2000: Reduced-Functionality Version - Extends Group Policy management functionality of Windows 2000. Getmac: GetMAC - Gets a computer's MAC (Ethernet) layer address and binding order. Getsid: Get Security ID - Compares the security IDs of two user accounts. Gpotool: Group Policy Verification Tool - Allows administrators to check Group Policy object integrity and monitor policy replication. Gpresult: Group Policy Results - Displays information about the result Group Policy has had on the current computer and logged-on user. Guid2obj: GUID to Object - Maps a GUID to a distinguished name. Heapmon: Enables user to view system heap information. Hlscan: Hard link display tool - Displays hard links on an NTFS volume or in specified files or directories of the volume. Ifmember: Checks whether the current user is a member of a specified group. IIS Migration Wizard: Migrates Web server configuration settings. Installation Monitor: Tracks changes made by setup programs in the registry, .INI files, and other child processes. Inuse: File-In-Use Replace Utility - Performs on-the-fly replacement of files currently in use by the operating system. Ipsecpol: Internet Protocol Security Policies Tool - Configures Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) policies in the Directory Service, or in a local or remote registry. Kerbtray: Kerberos Tray - Displays ticket information for a given computer running the Kerberos protocol. Klist: Kerberos List - Views and deletes the Kerberos tickets granted to the current logon session. Netdiag: Network Connectivity Tester - Helps isolate networking and connectivity problems.